Love, Love, Love

Hello beautiful people!

Lately, I came to a self realization that I must say was quite bothersome for me but I figured that there is NO WAY that I’m the only one that is this way. So, here I am embracing myself, my weirdness and loving myself anyway. Please, let me know if you can relate.

Love is such a beautiful act. Falling in love is so much fun and so consuming, but it can be very scary because it is an act that forces you to be vulnerable with a person you care so deeply for.

I have never had a problem giving out love whether it be to family, friends, or a lover. I’m very affectionate. Everyone who is close to me will tell you that I’m a hugger! Actually they might say that I’m a bit touchy lol I’ll hold your hand, kiss your cheek, slap your knee, link my arm with yours, jump on your back, pet your hair, caress your face, you name it! I’ve been told plenty of times to dial it back a bit and that’s cool because if I love you enough to be that annoying I can totally respect your wishes!

For all of you I haven’t had the fortune of meeting, don’t worry! I only get all touchy when I’m super comfortable with you, which means you’ll be comfortable enough to tell me to quit it! LOL

I went off on a tangent, sorry! Okay, what I realized is that it is easy for me to love but hard for me to accept that someone could love me as much as I love them. How crazy is that? What a catch 22 it is…

Recently I had been feeling like everything was just going too well with my Angel. I started to feel like he didn’t want me to be around him so much. Not just with him but also with his family. I felt like I was wearing out my welcome in their home. I was being too sensitive over little comments that meant no offense.

I had a good talk with my Angel about how I was feeling and he quickly reminded me that I was behaving negatively. Self-destructive. Not in a physical manner but with my thoughts. I was tearing myself down. I let my self-esteem get low. So, I had to make myself stop! Jeez…is that hard.

To deal with this I just started to tell myself, “I am worthy of love. I am worthy of all things good. I am worthy.” It is a mantra that I tell myself everyday. And saying it makes me feel good.

Everyone is worthy of all good things. The world deserves love. The world needs it. Everyone has their own inner battles going on and one smile or kind word can go a long way. In another person’s happiness you may sometimes find your own. So I hope we can all start reaching out to more people and create bonds that are beautifully meaningful. Don’t look for someone to live for but instead look for someone to enjoy life with!

Sending you so much love,

Meandering Meli